Why You Will Hate City Court

Why You Will Hate City Court

Lafayette City Court handles as many OWI cases as any city court in Louisiana. The officers who make the majority of OWI arrests are part of the Alcohol Traffic Action Campaign (“ATAC”) and are highly trained, seasoned and well funded. Their cars are equipped with video cameras which record traffic stops and roadside interviews. They […]

Why I Speak to the Media (But Really Hate to Do So)

Simple answer, my clients. We live in a world of hashtags and five second sound bites. Reputations, careers, relationships and basic liberties are at risk with the mere accusation of a crime. An arrest booking goes out, a mug shot posted and your life goes viral. How does an individual respond? They can’t. I can. […]

My Ultimate Goal: No Repeat Business

One of the greatest achievements that I can point to in my career as a representative of families who have loved ones charged with crimes involving alcohol and drugs is that I have the lowest rates of recidivism in the region. That’s right, my clients have the lowest rate of return in the criminal justice […]

Discretion: The Courtroom’s Unseen Force

I call it the Big “D”. The magic word that is possessed by those who control your destiny when you end up being charged with a crime involving drugs or alcohol. It starts with the police, flows through the prosecutor and rests with the judge. The Big “D” is discretion. How it is used may […]

Dumb and Dumber in Baton Rouge

One would think that when it comes to the Constitution, people would show some respect and just leave well enough alone. Not so in Baton Rouge. Act of the 2012 Louisiana Legislature amends the law providing the right of those accused of driving under the influence to confront those who made the allegations, the police […]

New Bills Before Legislature Seek to Crack Down on OWI’s

Gov. Jindal announced seven new legislative proposals which will seek to crack down on impaired driving.  If approved all of these proposals will severely change the landscape for OWI offenses. These proposals include: 1. Authority to allow multiple tests to prove impairment; 2. Dual suspension of license through administrative and criminal processes; 3. Substance abuse […]

If Senator Perry Has His Way…

State Senator Jonathan Perry is a good guy.  I have known him for many years now. He is a conscientious legislator and responsible public servant.  But, when he asks that first time OWI offenders should receive mandatory jail sentences he is dead wrong.  He ought to know better. Currently first offenders will normally receive suspended […]

I Am On Camera? Save It For Me, Please!

The supreme court of the State of Illinois sanctioned the state and barred it from introducing testimony concerning what was contained on a video of a traffic stop in Illinois v. Kladis, (No. 110920, Dec. 2011). Traffic stops, detention and field sobriety tests for those suspected of drinking and driving while generally be recorded on video […]

Can I Get a Free Sniff?

OK, Franky is good. As a K-9 drug detector dog, he can smell marijuana inside a home from outside the closed door of a home. The problem is, Franky’s handlers, the Miami-Dade Police Department, violated the homeowner’s rights in snooping for a sniff outside the home when other evidence to justify the action did not […]

I Thought the Legal Limit Was .08

If you are over 21, it is – sort of. Under Louisiana law, if you are over 21 and you test above .08 on a breath or blood test, you are presumed to be impaired at the time of operation of a motor vehicle and it is up to you to overcome the presumption. That does not […]