
Featured Insights

Sobriety Checkpoints; What Are They?

Depending on one’s individual perspective, sobriety checkpoints are either considered a part of a comprehensive strategy for the interdiction of possible impaired drivers or...

No Refusal and Forced Blood Extraction

Certain parishes institute a “no refusal” program. Under these programs, an individual who “refuses” to voluntarily submit to a breath test will be served...

Trust Your Lawyer, No One Else (unless he tells you to)

Those arrested for drinking and driving seek solace and advice from the most unlikely sources. The advice is ample and free. It is usually...

Bones Regards Spock, The Ultimate OWI Practitioner

It has been said that practicing OWI defense law at its highest level is akin to playing three-dimensional chess. There are nuances and complications...

My Ultimate Goal: No Repeat Business

One of the greatest achievements that I can point to in my career as a representative of families who have loved ones charged with...

Sobriety Court

York County PA is becoming known for leading the nation with an innovative program, called Target 25, to reduce repeat drunk driving. Judge John...

WARNING: Be Careful What You Where!

OK, I am sure that everyone can recall a story from childhood where their grandmother chided: “You need to make sure you are wearing...

C’est Fini!

What has been referred to as the “Williamson pleas” in Lafayette City Court came to an inglorious but long overdue ending in Lafayette City...

What’s Worse: Driving Drunk or Texting While Driving?

ORLANDO, FL, March 23, 2015 —, the definitive source to find personal injury news stories and to find experienced injury attorneys, today called...

Bones Regards Spock, The Ultimate OWI Practitioner

It has been said that practicing OWI defense law at its highest level is akin to playing three-dimensional chess. There are nuances and complications...

But Officer, I Wasn’t Driving

The California Highway Patrol arrested a driver who officers suspect was drunk and asleep at the wheel of his Tesla Model S while it...

Pot Plus Booze Doubles Odds For Drunk Driving, Study Says

Drinkers who smoke marijuana as they imbibe are twice as likely to drive drunk compared with people who stick to alcohol alone, a new...