The State’s Flawed Tool
Louisiana law says that an arresting officer can have you blow into a machine one time and get one number, and if that number is over the limit, then that’s good enough. Good enough for government work! Oh and if you refuse to blow into the machine – which is your right to do – […]
The Weed Breathalyzer Is Coming
As legal weed becomes a reality, researchers, startups, and law enforcement are racing to figure out how to test for THC intoxication. With more states legalizing recreational marijuana, enforcing DUI laws becomes more complicated. Alcohol intoxication can be easily measured during a traffic stop—the driver just blows into a tube—but testing for pot requires blood, […]
Congrats to Firm Attorney
Congrats to firm attorney, Allyson M. Prejean, on her invitation to speak at the Louisiana Union of Police Associations Quarterly Meeting this month in Marksville where she will address police officer bill of rights, internal investigations, and critical incident representation for law enforcement officers. As a qualified participating attorney for the Professional Law Enforcement Association […]
Does my driver’s license serve as consent for police to take my blood? Well maybe…..
Lawyers for the State of Wisconsin faced stiff questions from U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday as they defended the State’s failure to get a warrant before drawing blood from an unconscious driver. When police arrested Gerald Mitchell on the beach in Sheboygan, they said he was feet away from his van, stumbling and acting […]
Louisiana Attempts Overdue Highway Beautification Project
A bill to be introduced to the Louisiana Legislature this session aims at curbing the abundant litter that burdens our state-wide highway systems. New clean up crews? More littering fines? Robotic trash collectors? No. This is Louisiana, remember? OK, then what? How about an attempt to curb lawyer billboards? No way! Way! Do we have […]
If California legislators have their way, yes. Read the following article if you have any doubt as to where we are headed with drinking and driving laws:
Top Lawyers
We are pleased to announce that Barry J. Sallinger and Allyson M. Prejean have once again been named Top Lawyers by Acadiana Profile Magazine! This special recognition will appear in the April/May 2019 issue.
But Officer, I Wasn’t Driving
The California Highway Patrol arrested a driver who officers suspect was drunk and asleep at the wheel of his Tesla Model S while it cruised down Highway 101 in autopilot mode. Around 3:37 a.m. Friday, a CHP officer spotted a gray Tesla driving at 70 miles an hour on Highway 101 near Redwood City, Palo […]
Expungements. Anyone can do this, right?
Many people have found themselves needing to cleanup an arrest or conviction from their record and think, “Oh, this should be easy, I just need to file a few documents with the clerk and my record will be expunged.” There are forms for this, right? Free stuff? LegalZoom! BeALawyer! Expungements-R-Us! Yeah! No. Unfortunately, obtaining an […]
Louisiana Votes to End Non-Unanimous Jury Verdicts
A constitutional amendment to end non-unanimous jury verdicts in Louisiana was approved Tuesday by the state’s voters — a victory for a rare alliance of conservative and progressive organizations that got behind the measure to end a practice with roots in post-Civil War racism. The amendment takes effect Jan. 1, 2019 and will leave Oregon […]