
Featured Insights

Sobriety Checkpoints; What Are They?

Depending on one’s individual perspective, sobriety checkpoints are either considered a part of a comprehensive strategy for the interdiction of possible impaired drivers or...

No Refusal and Forced Blood Extraction

Certain parishes institute a “no refusal” program. Under these programs, an individual who “refuses” to voluntarily submit to a breath test will be served...

Trust Your Lawyer, No One Else (unless he tells you to)

Those arrested for drinking and driving seek solace and advice from the most unlikely sources. The advice is ample and free. It is usually...

Why I Speak to the Media (But Really Hate to Do So)

Simple answer, my clients. We live in a world of hashtags and five second sound bites. Reputations, careers, relationships and basic liberties are at...

No Refusal and Forced Blood Extraction

Certain parishes institute a “no refusal” program. Under these programs, an individual who “refuses” to voluntarily submit to a breath test will be served...

WARNING: Be Careful What You Where!

OK, I am sure that everyone can recall a story from childhood where their grandmother chided: “You need to make sure you are wearing...

The Incredible Shrinking Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,...

How Much is Too Much?

Let me start with a disclaimer: I do not encourage anyone to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Everyone is different. Your body,...

Can The Police Search Your Cell Phone When They Arrest You?

No, according to two recent Supreme Court decisions – Riley v. California and U.S. v. Wurie. In a companion ruling, the Supreme Court, Chief...


If you have been arrested for a criminal offense in Louisiana, your first thought will likely be getting out of jail. Every case is...