Complex Litigation

Strategic Expertise in Multi-Faceted Legal Challenges

Sallinger Melancon offers services in many areas of specialty needs for our clients. Our practice is not limited to niche subject matters or particular industries. Nor do we restrict ourselves to plaintiffs or defendants, avoiding the biases and tunnel vision that representing only one side fosters. Because we play both sides of the “v,” we understand our opponents’ incentives and strategy as well as our own. With well over one hundred years of combined legal experience in many areas of law, we are recognized as valued team members and strategists for individuals, corporate clients, and other attorneys.

  • Administrative Processes

    Administrative proceedings in Louisiana can be challenging with unique rules, restrictive proceedings, and appointed hearing officers. Rulings can have monumental consequences for Louisiana businesses and professionals. We regularly advise clients at every stage of the administrative process – from developing initial legal strategy and drafting position statements to litigating adverse results in court. We have extensive experience representing individual and corporate interests at the state and local level, including, Department of Public Safety, Division of Administrative Law, Department of Children and Family Services, and Municipal Fire and Police Civil Services Boards across the State.

  • Commercial Litigation

    Individually, and with team member specialists, we handle complex disputes between individuals and businesses, both small and large. We work with our clients to solve difficult issues, whether it involves money, potential criminal sanctions, or intense scrutiny in the court of public opinion. We commonly work as team members with specialized co-counsel, often taking a leading role in dictating strategy, impact, and resolution. In all of these areas, we apply strategic thinking and carefully honed litigation skills to provide our clients with successful outcomes.

  • Environmental Litigation

    We have experience handling a variety of civil and criminal effects environmental matters under Louisiana. With vast regional experience in state courts in southwest Louisiana, we have unique and valued insights for the successful navigation of these complex matters. We have extensive trial experience, and offer strategic guidance and insights for achieving successful resolution of claims that are achieved early in the litigation process.

  • Personal Injury

    We are committed to helping people who have been harmed by the carelessness of others and aggressively pursue every claim entrusted to us to ensure that our clients are treated fairly in the legal process. Most of our cases are sent to us by former clients and other lawyers who know and trust that we will do everything possible to achieve a favorable result for our clients, a fact in which we take tremendous pride. With the expertise and financial resources to help level the legal playing field, we work hard to ensure our clients obtain the best resolution possible, whether through a favorable settlement or trial. We are not a processing mill which must handle many claims to support an advertising budget. We offer compassionate individual attention in assisting our clients in moving forward after accidents and loss.

  • Professional Licensing Issues

    Professionals have invested years of education, countless hours of hard work, and hopes and dreams for the future in a chosen profession or vocation. They have built a successful career and earned a good reputation among their clients and colleagues, all of which can come crashing down when they are at risk of losing their professional license. Our criminal representation of clients often comes with internal, disciplinary, and regulatory enforcement proceedings before boards with specialized and confusing requirements. Whether you are facing disciplinary action or the denial of a license application, we can help you understand the best steps to take to resolve your issue quickly and effectively. We regularly represent attorneys, doctors, nurses, accountants, and other licensed professionals before Louisiana licensing boards with expertise and discretion.

  • Fire and Police Critical Needs

    We serve as legal counsel to many law enforcement associations, as well as individual fire employees and law enforcement officers in Louisiana. We provide strategic legal advice to and advocacy for our first responder clients at grievance and administrative proceedings, day-to-day association administration, civil litigation, and critical incident response. We consult with and provide legal advice for fire and police associations and have responded to hundreds of critical incidents.

  • Corporate

    We provide legal advice and business support to local and national businesses. Their clients trust their knowledgeable team to provide guidance on their day-to-day business operations. This advice and guidance comes in many forms, including advising on efficient corporate structures, and drafting financing and commercial agreements. SMA lawyers are proud of their reputation for helping businesses thrive and are proud to share in clients’ ongoing success.