
Featured Insights

Sobriety Checkpoints; What Are They?

Depending on one’s individual perspective, sobriety checkpoints are either considered a part of a comprehensive strategy for the interdiction of possible impaired drivers or...

No Refusal and Forced Blood Extraction

Certain parishes institute a “no refusal” program. Under these programs, an individual who “refuses” to voluntarily submit to a breath test will be served...

Trust Your Lawyer, No One Else (unless he tells you to)

Those arrested for drinking and driving seek solace and advice from the most unlikely sources. The advice is ample and free. It is usually...


If California legislators have their way, yes. Read the following article if you have any doubt as to where we are headed with drinking...

If Senator Perry Has His Way…

State Senator Jonathan Perry is a good guy. I have known him for many years now. He is a conscientious legislator and responsible public...


As a result of a reversal of policy of the U.S. Justice Department, U.S. District Judge Jed S. Rakoff returned to an administrative panel...

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Calling social media “the next frontier in the developing law of the service of process over the internet,” a New York judge has allowed...

Does my driver’s license serve as consent for police to take my blood? Well maybe…..

Lawyers for the State of Wisconsin faced stiff questions from U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday as they defended the State’s failure to get...

Expungements. Anyone can do this, right?

Many people have found themselves needing to cleanup an arrest or conviction from their record and think, “Oh, this should be easy, I just...

Change Is Not Always For The Better

The 2014 regular Louisiana Legislative session saw several changes in the area of OWI laws. Act 385 completely overhauled LSA-R.S. 14:98, Louisiana’s OWI defining...

Can you hear me now?

Motorists are now prohibited from using any type of hand held wireless communications device, also known as a cell phone, while traveling through schools...

The State’s Flawed Tool

Louisiana law says that an arresting officer can have you blow into a machine one time and get one number, and if that number...